Self-learning using Mind Map.
Today I try to describe how Mind map (mental map) helped me personally in conquering new horizons. Mind map - an interesting way to structure and organize data. It will allow you to comprehend the gigantic amounts of information.
Another thing I like to call mind map - the memory card. It's like a second brain. The brain, which stores information with fast access to each cell.
Important: Every mind map a person should build for himself from scratch. That is, you take to study a topic - build from scratch your own mind map.
Example: We need to learn a new programming language.
We need to learn a new programming language, without a mentor yourself.
Well, no teacher - but the language is needed.
What we gonna do?
Take books, videos, lectures, articles, examples of usage code, and begin actively to delve into all of this. Read, try, make mistakes, try again ... In general, this process sickly tension occurs. Often this is all compounded by the usual work that you work every day.
And what is the result? After two or three months you have time to already forgotten that studied first. Look at the beginning, again-reading process stalled look... Technically speaking, you're trying to push the entire volume of information into your head.
And here is how the process when you use the mind map.
For example, we will use the program FreeMind.(win/mac/linux)
For example we study JavaScript.
At the beginning of the study:
Create a new file: for example,“”.
We called the root point, for example, «js» - plain and simple.
Next point of the root begins to grow branches (subjects). Each branch - this is some sub-theme the main theme «js». For example, the first sub-branch will be called «console» (console commands and console) and will add to all that relates to the subtopic. The second sub-branch will be called "Operators", the third «array» ...
Each sub-theme, you can add a sub-sub-themes, and so on to infinity. It is important that you structure the tree-like all of the information for themselves.
Later, when you need something from the theme works with the console, for example, "bring to the console an array as table" - you will immediately see the branch «console», open it and find all the information you get yourself carefully laid down sometime.
A further study of the JavaScript you methodically lays out all the new information to the relevant branch.
Here comes the important advantage: you can see the whole map. You know, on a shelf that is. (The branches can be easily moved to other sub-branches, with the mouse)
I do not know how to throw a new branch of knowledge? - Create a new branch, and fold back. Then peresortiruete and merge right.
In the process of development we are faced with some tricky bug and a feature? Immediately bring the information about it in the corresponding sub-branch. Then it will save you a lot of time (for the second time to deal with it will not have to). It is also convenient to store the pieces of code (snippets).
Why I choose on the program FreeMind?
- Fast speed. When you have 10 000 sub-branches in a single file, and it was then aware of the beauty of speed.
- The branch can be inserted into an html formatted appropriately.
- Cross-platform.
- There are trinkets for "beautiful".
- Free.
- FreeMind I always open on your computer, and it opened about 25 cards. All areas I have divided into different maps. It's usefull.
- The card can be easily divided into several.
- Between sub-branches can draw visual communication. This will help to visually correlate branches, for example in the development of complex technical tasks.
The essence of the mind map: collect the pieces of a puzzle. To see and understand the whole picture.
And finally: if possible, use the services of a mentor - the process will go ten times faster. Trainer with experience immediately says main things, and that you can score. Talk about the pitfalls and other tricks. Tested on personal experience. And yes, to communicate better with a mentor in person, not through courses like "Learn C ++ in 24 hours!"
+ Mind map relieve your head well!